

Join the conversation!

Whether you’re a techie, a lawyer, or in the mood for some time for networking with FLINTA* only, our speed networking events allow you to meet like-minded individuals from various industries and companies in a relaxed atmosphere. 

In order to attend, come to the Networking Registration (at the end of the exhibitor hall) 15 minutes before your favored session. Spots will be filled in the order of registration. We look forward to seeing you!

An exception applies to Queer Connect: Networking Session für LGBTIQ+ Mitarbeitenden-ERGs. Please get your free ticket for this session here.

11:00 – 12:00

🇩🇪 Fête Des Juristes
Networking Session für Jurist:innen 
hosted by ALICE

12:30 – 13:30

🇬🇧 Tech Fusion – 
Tech/IT Networking Session
hosted by Unicorns in Tech

14:00 – 15:00

🇩🇪 Rainbow Rendezvous – 
FLINTA* Networking Session
hosted by SHE/THEY Club

15:30 – 17:00

🇩🇪 Queer Connect – 
Networking Session für LGBTIQ+ Mitarbeitenden-ERGs
hosted by Proudr